Revolutionizing the World of Pick-Up Sports

Organize events with other recreational athletes of all skill levels and track your success.

How PikApp Works

When you create an account, PikApp begins recording your record and stats for each of our supported sports. Currently, PikApp supports Basketball, Spikeball, and Football.
Using PikApp's game map, find local pick-up games created by other users. Intuitively join games from the map and navigate to the game's location. Compete to have the best record and rank amongst other users!
Through PikApp's social feed, connect with other users and add their recent activity to your feed. From the feed, find new games with people you know and view their stats to see how you stack up with others.

Feature Highlights

Create Games

Create games in your current location and wait for other users to join. Currently, PikApp supports Basketball, Football, and Spikeball games.

Join Games

Join games near you easily by clicking on a map marker and selecting your team.

Track Other Games

View other games in progress by panning through the map. The map displays all games that are waiting for users to join and games that have already started.

Track Your Progress

Complete games and record your results viewable on the profile page or by other players through the social screen.

Dig Deeper Into Your Stats

In addition to your overall record, view your statistics for each individual sport. See how you stack up with other players on a sport-specific level from the social screen.

Contact Form

Ready to Try PikApp?

Try the beta version of PikApp available through Apple's TestFlight beta service.
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